
Bempton Marriages, 1790-1861


Bempton Marriages, 1790-1861


Marriages at St. Michael's Church, Bempton 1790-1861.

The following abbreviations have been used: (X) indicates that a person made their mark rather than signed their name. B = Marriage by banns. L = Marriage by license. CP = Marriage by consent of parents (ie either the bride or groom was under 21). Otp = of this parish. Otpo X = of the parish of X. All names are transcribed as written.

(There are earlier entries in this register)

10 May,William Hoggard (X) otpo Brandesburton and Elizabeth Watson (X) otp B
Wits: James Agars, Mary Bottriell
19 December,William Dodson (X) otp and Mary Hesp (X) otp L
Wits: James Agars, Thomas Lazenby
(No marriages 1791 or 1792)

28 May,Thomas Bilton (X) otpo Flamborough and Elizabeth Clark (X) otp B
Wits: James Agars, Thomas Danby
7 October,John Bielby otp and Susannah Moody (X) otp B
Wits: John Lilley, Robert Major

23 January,Henery Pape (X) otp and Ann Edmond (X) otp B
Wits: Thomas Danby, Ellen Walmsley
13 July,Robert Nicholoson otp and Ann Collinson otp L
Wits: George Walmsley, James Agars

28 November,John Walmesley otp and Elizabeth Dawson otpo Bessingby L
James Dawson, James Agars
15 December,Robert Darley otp and Elizabeth banks (X) otp B
Wits: James Agars, John Chew (X)
(No weddings in 1796)

12 October,Wliiam Balier (X) otp and Ann Vickerman (X) otpo Bridlington B
Wits: James Agars, John Farrow
20 December,Thomas Danby otp and Hannah Dawson otp L
Wits: Robert Johnson, James Agars

2 October,George Johnson otpo Cayton and Eleanor Walmesley otp L
Wits: George Walmesley jnr, John Agars

24 February, Richard Dunn (X) otpo Hornsea and Jane Stephenson (X) otp B
Wits: Edward Robinson, John Webb
7 December,Thomas Wame [Warne?, Waine?] otp and Dorothy Johnson (X) otp B
Wits: Robert Johnson, George Medd

19 January,John Gage otp and Elizabeth Hater otp L
Wits: Richard Gage, Robert Nicholson
2 February,John Dowe otpo Burton Fleming and Mary Stephenson (X) otp B
Wits: James Agars, Francis Agars
18 February,David Allanson otp and Ann Shaw otp L
Wits: George Walmesley jnr, James Agars
14 August,Richard Seller (X) otp and Mary Edmond (X) otp B
Wits: James Edmond, James Agars

26 November,William Vickerman otpo Reighton and Mary Jackson otp B
Wits: James Agars, Elizabeth Plouwes

24 April,Samuel Shaw otp and Frances Mason (X) otp B
Wits: George Walmsley, Robert Mason

7 March,John Garbutt (X) otpo Hunmanby and Rachel Wood (X) otp B
Wits: Sarah Wood, James Agars
5 December,William Johnson (X) otp and Ann Gage (X) otpo Bridlington
Wits: Thomas Moody, William Foord

29 November,Robert Milner (X) otp and Rachael Vickerman otp B
Wits: Thomas Miller, Richard Miller

25 July,John Dodson otpo Bridlington and Mary Cockerel otp B
Wits: James Edmond, John West
25 November,James Lyon otpo Carnaby and Milcah Stephenson (X) otp B
Wits: James Raywood, Susanna Flinton

25 January,Robert Ombler (X) otpo Leven and Sarah Wood otp B
Wits: John Garbutt (X), James Agars
4 September,Robert Gardiner (X) otp and Frances Coultas otp B
Wits: Esther Baron, Thomas Danby

4 January,James Dunn otp and Mary Johnson otp B
Wits: Robert Agars, James Agars
(No marriages 1808)

12 January,Robert Mason otp and Susannah Flinton otp L
Wits: Jane Agars, Joseph Todd, Robert Nicholson
27 October,George Milner otp Cayton and Mary Edmond (X) otp B
Wits: Edward Edmand, James Agars
25 November,John Johnson otp and Mary Bulmer (X) otpo Bridlington B
Wits: James Edmond, James Agars
28 November,Edward Edmond otp and Christiana Watt (X) otp B
Wits: Edmund Pape, James Agars
(No marriages 1810)

29 July,Joseph Stephenson (X) otpo Bridlington and Elizabeth Aikeney (X) otp B
Wits: Jane Shaw, James Agars
28 November,Richard seller (X) otp and Elizabeth Frankish otpo Flamborough B
Wits: James Edmand, James Agars

14 January,John Burdass otpo Bridlington and Jane Agars otp L
Wits: Thomas Agars, Robert Nicholson, Mary Woodcock
5 December,Robert Winteringham otpo Bridlington and Jane Shaw (X) otp L
Wits: James Dawson, Jane Winteringham
5 December,James Harper (X) otpo Bridlington and Mary Colley (X) otp B
Wits: Robert Gardiner (X), James Agars
(A new register begins here)

27 February,John Stephenson (X) otpo Burton Agnes and MaryHodgson (X) otp B
Wits Robert Nicholson, James Agars CP
25 November,Thomas Bastiman otpo Kilham and Anna Agars otp B 
Wits: Francis Agars, Thomas Agars, Mary Agars CP
7 December,Francis Agars, otpo Bridlington and Hannah Cook otp L 
Wits: William Mason, Mary Hodgson, James Agars
9 December,James Edmond otp and Mary Botterill (X) otp B 
Wits: John Chew, Jane Reston CP

26 November,John Tyson otp and Mary Glenton (X) otp B
Wits: William Tyson, James Agars CP

10 April,Robert Dixon otpo Sigglesthorne and Mary Cook otp B
Wits: Thomas Cook, James Agars
25 November,Dawson Darley otp and Christiana Russell (X) otp B
Wits: George Johnson, James AgarsCP
(No marriages 1816)

9 November,William Hodgson otp and Ruth Agars otp L
Wits: Thomas Agars, George Johnson CP

5 January,William Harrison otp and Thomasin Vickerman (X) otp B
Wits: John Lilley, Samuel Harrison CP
1 April, Thomas Agars otp and Hannah Body (X) otpo Bridlington B
Wits: Mary Mallory, John Robinson CP

17 August,John Bielby (X) otp and Mary Vickerman (X) otp B
Wits: Grace Vickerman (X), James Agars CP
20 January,Ralph Dowsland otpo Bridlington and Rachel Flinton otp B
Wits: George Agars, George Dowsland CP

17 March,John Taylor otpo Bridlington and Elizabeth walker otp B
Wits: Thomas Moor, James Agars CP
7 August,James Edmond otp and Jane Rounding otp L
Wits: James Dawson, Fanny Rounding CP
17 August,Robert Edmond (X) otp and Elizabeth Chew (X) otp B
Wit: James Agars CP
19 December,Grindale Hodgson (X) otp and Ellin Dowslin (X) otp B
Wits: James Agars, John Banks

7 January,William Wade (X) otp and Mary Bielby (X) otp B
Wits: Robert Bielby, James Agars
26 January,John Banks otp and Ann Taylor otp B
Wits: James Agars, Nathen Hodgson
22 July,Matthew Hodgson (X) otp and Ann Boddy (X) otp B
Wits George Danby, William Kay

10 April,Thomas Massander (X) otpo Burton Agnes and Dorothy Pape (X) otp B
Wits: Edmund Pape, Henry Pape CP
11 April,William Barkley (X) otp and Hannah Barnet (X) otp B
Wits: Thomas Danby, Thomas Agars CP
23 November,Robert Mason otp and Ann Garton otp B
Wits: John Burdass snr, James Agars CP

12 January,Abraham Forth otpo Bridlington and Elizabeth Cook otp L
Wits: John Vook, E Forth
22 January,John Boddy (X) otp and Jane Staveley (X) otpo Bridlington B
Wit: James Agars
28 December,William Kidd (Hidd?) otpo Bridlington and Grace Vicarman (X) otp B
Wit: John Lilley CP
(No marriages 1825)

6 July,Thomas Dodson otp and Jane Bryan otpo Burlington (Bridlington) B
Wits: Ann Hodgson, William Kay

21 May,John Bean (X) otp and Elizabeth Hodgson (X) otp B
Wit: James Agars CP
23 September,William Haddon otp and Mary Lazenby (X) otpo Bridlington B
Wit: Robert Appelby
24 November,John Smith otp and Jane Botterell (X) otp B
Wit: James Edmond

23 June,John Harrison otp and Maria Corner otpo Bridlington B
Wits: William Harrison, Eleanor Bielby
9 August,John Read otp and Elizabeth Bielby (X) otp B
Wit: John Woodhouse CP

23 July,John Woodhouse otp and Mary Chandler otp B
Wits: James Dawson, Robert Gardner

24 April,William Barckley otp and Ann Raywood (X) otp B
Wits: James Agars CP
29 November,William Truhell otp and Hannah Dodson (X) otp B
Wits: John Dodson, Robert Gardner CP

26 February,John Legard (X) otp and Hannah Glenton (X) otp B
Wits: John Bielby (X), Robert Glenton (X), James Agars CP
19 October,William Thompson otp and Elizabeth Vickermann (X) otp B
Wit: James Agars

10 April,James Smith (X) otp and Hannah Boddy (X) otp B
Wit: William Harrison
5 May,George Appleby otpo Langtoft and Hannah Ritter otp B
Wits: John Appleby, William Harrison
31 July,William Cook, otpo Thwing and Eleanor Bielby otp B
Wits: William Danby (X), Jane Cook, John Bielby CP

20 June,John Sharpe, (X) batchelor and servant otp and Frances Spike, spinster otp B
Wits: William Harrison, Martha Spike
3 December,Moses Robson otpo Burton Agnes and Grace Kidd (X) otp B
Wits: Rebekah Kidd, James Taylor

1 February,David Seller (X) otpo Barmston and Mary Hornby (X) otp B
Wit: William Harrison
24 February,George Harrison otp and Mary Shepherdson (X) otp B
Wits: John Hall, Jane Shepherdson (X)

24 November,David Pierson (X) otpo Bridlington and Jane Sawdon (X) otp B
Wits: Hannah Pierson (X), William Harrison CP
24 (-), William Brambles (X) otp and Elizabeth Cross (X) otpo Flamborough B
Wit: William Harrison

7 April,Robert Gardner otp and Elizabeth Shipley otp B
Wits: Thomas Walmesley, William Harrison CP

11 February,Robert Ireland (X) of the township of Cottam in the parish of Langtoft and Elizabeth Boynton (X) otp B
Wits: Robert Berriman, William Harrison
(The note below is written on a separate piece of paper and clipped to the last filled in page of the register.)
'This is to certify that the banns of marriage between George Appleby of the parish of Langtoft and Hannah Ritter of the parish of Bempton were published on the Sundays April 15th, 22nd and 29th in the parish of Langtoft and no impediment alleged.
As witness my hand this 3rd day of May 1832
E Trueman'
(End of this register.)
A new register starts here and continues to the 1960s
To avoid confusion the word AND comes between the groom's details and those of the bride. In any cases where ages are missing they have been marked 'of full age' which means over 21. Bt = Batchelor, Sp = Spinster, Wid = Widow/er. (-) indicates that information is not given.

23 June,John Leeman, 23, Bt, tailor, otp, s/o Thomas Leeman, labourer AND Ann Edmond, 19, Sp, straw bonnet maker, otp, d/o Edward Edmond, labourer.
Wits: Thomas Leeman, George Edmand
26 November,Francis Bointon, 45, Wid, farmer, otp s/o Francis Boynton, labourer AND Elizabeth Sutton, 33, Sp, otp, d/o William Sutton, shepherd.
Wits: Anne Bowes (X), William Jarratt
(No marriages in 1839)

19 July, John Wilson, 25, Wid, miller, otpo Wansford, s/o Richard Wilson, miller AND Hannah Stephenson (X), 25, Sp, otp, d/o Aaron Stephenson, shepherd.
Wits: William Wilson, Robert Hillerby
10 September,William Foord, 50, Wid, joiner, otpo Epworth, s/o John Foord AND Jane Clubley 50 (56?), Wid, otp, d/o James Boddy.
Wits: Francis Boynton, John Burdass
18 November,William Penton, Bt, officer in Her Majesty's Preventive Service, otpo Filey s/o Andrew Penton, farmer AND Hannah Thompson (X) Sp, otp, d/o George Thompson, carrier.
Wits: Samuel Mason, Mary Dowsland

9 January, Robert Hillerby, Bt, miller, otpo Middleton, s/o George Hillerby, miller, AND Rachel Stephenson (X), Sp, otp, d/o Aaron Stephenson, shepherd.
Wits: Richard Laybourne, William Harrison
6 March,William Robinson, (X), Bt, otp, husbandman s/o (-) AND Ann Johnson (X), Sp, otp, d/o Richard Johnson, labourer.
Wits: Thomas Rollins, William Harrison
27 June,John Lownsborough (X), Bt, husbandman, otp, s/o James Lownsborough, tailor AND Jane Elizabeth Jarrat, Sp, otp d/o (-).
Wit: Francis Lownsborough
11 July,William Jarratt, 50, Bt, farmer, otp s/o Robert Jarratt, farmer, AND Mary Boynton (X), 50, Sp, otp, d/o Francis Boynton, labourer.
Wits: Francis Boynton, William Harrison
25 November,William Smallwood, 21, Bt, husbandman, otp, s/o Robert Smallwood, labourer, AND Jane Johnson (X), 18 (-) (-) d/o Richard Johnson, labourer.
Wits: Jefferson Stephenson, Elizabeth Harrison

9 July,Jefferson Stephenson, Bt, husbandman, otpo Bridlington, s/o Thomas Stephenson, husbandman, AND Elizabeth Harrison, Sp, otp, d/o William Harrison, farmer.
Wits: Samuel Harrison, Hannah Stephenson

18 March,William Sutton, Bt, husbandman, otp, s/o Thomas Sutton, shepherd AND Jane Leason (X), Sp, otp d/o William Leason, labourer.
Wits: William Harrison, Francis Lownsbrough

13 April, James Wood, 21, Bt, blacksmith, otp, s/o John Wood, farmer, AND Elizabeth Edmond, 24, Sp, otp, d/o James Edmond, blacksmith.
Wit: William Harrison
13 April, Jordan Crawford (X), Bt, servant, otpo Bridlington s/o (-) AND Sarah Coultass (X), Sp, otp, d/o William Coultas, carrier.
Wits: Samuel Coultass, Elizabeth Elliott
20 July, James Garbut (X), 23, Bt, servant, otpo Ergham [Argham] s/o William G Gardener, AND Sarah Wilson (X), 21, otpo Ergham d/o Thomas Wilson, labourer.
Wits: Thomas Wilson (X), William Harrison

6 March,Charles John Hall, 23, Bt, druggist, otpo Flamborough, s/o Samuel hall, gentleman, AND Ann Boynton (X), 22, Sp, otp, d/o Francis Boynton, farmer.
Wits: Carter Woodhouse, William Harrison
27 November,Joseph Pinkney, 21, Bt, servant, otpo Weaverthorp, s/o Joseph Pinkney, labourer, AND Martha Spike, 22, otp d/o (-).
Wits: Aaron Bagg, James Butler (X)
20 December,John Carter (X), 21, Bt, servant, otp s/o George Carter, labourer AND Mary Stephenson, 20, Sp, otp d/o William Stephenson, labourer.
Wits: William Dickinson (X), William Harrison

18 August,William Cook, Bt, blacksmith, otp, s/o William Cook, upholsterer, AND Susannah Ward, Sp, otp, d/o William Ward, labourer.
Wits: William Stockdale, Elizabeth Elliott

14 February,Robert Wilson (X), 22, labourer, otp, s/o Mark Wilson, labourer AND Sarah Graham (X), 23, Sp, otp, d/o Thomas Graham, labourer.
Wits: Francis Chandler, William Harrison
7 March,Joseph Johnson (X), Bt, labourer, otpo Bridlington, s/o Robert Johnson, labourer, AND Francis Coultass, otp, d/o William Coultass, labourer.
Wits: Samuel Coultass, Fanny Simpson
(No weddings in 1848)

8 November,Thomas Holmes Watson, 27, Bt, grocer, otp, s/o John Mowbray Watson (dead), grocer, AND Susannah Brown, 24, Sp, otp, d/o George Brown (dead), Excise officer.
Wits: George Danby, Thomas Walmsley, Ann Bowes (X)
31 December,David Thompson (X), 25, Bt, otp, s/o (-) AND Ann Stephenson, 27, Sp, otp, d/o William Stephenson, labourer.
Wits: Dorothy Stephenson, Ellen Berriman

29 June,William Spink, 24, Bt, wheelwright, otp, s/o William Spink, joiner, AND Mary Ann Cowton, 21, otpo Kelk, d/o George Cowton.
Wits: Pearson Hall, Bessey Woodhouse
18 July, Thomas Simpson, 30, Bt, tailor, otpo Brandesburton, s/o William Simpson, labourer, AND Ann Mason, 30, Sp, otp, d/o Robert Mason, labourer.
Wits: Hannah Mason, William Simpson
15 August,Joseph Chapman, 34, Bt, Wesleyan minister, otpo London, s/o Joseph Chapman, Wesleyan minister, AND Ann Fanny Champion, 35, Sp, otp, d/o John Champion, surgeon.
Wits: Isaac Cook Champion, Francis Samuel Champion
24 October,Francis Samuel Champion, Wid, yeoman, otp, s/o (-), AND Selina Walmsley, Sp, otp, d/o George Walmsley, yeoman.
Wits: Mary Walmsley, Ellen Smith

6 March,Christopher Francis Hutchinson, Bt, 42, surgeon, otpo Bridlington, s/o Robert Hutchinson, innkeeper, AND Mary Harries, 31, Sp, otp, d/o John Harding Harries Esq.
Wits: John Kirby, Caroline (?) Bowen (Brown?)

20 March,Cornelius Artley, 23, Bt, otp, labourer, s/o Thomas Artley, labourer, AND Elizabeth Pudsey, 29, Sp, otp, d/o William Pudsey, labourer.
Wits: William Medd, Jane Stretley (?)
13 July,Robert Robson, 22, Bt, labourer, otp, s/o William Robson, miller, AND Jane Watson (X), 20, Sp, otp, d/o William Watson, shepherd.
Wits: John Goforth, William Agars
11 October,Thomas Coatham, 24, Bt, labourer, otpo Buckton, s/o John Coatham, labourer, AND Elizabeth Rawson (X), 24, Sp, otp, d/o James Rawson, joiner.
Wits: George Hildon, Hannah Coatham

1 March,Thomas Mason, Wid, 39, miller, otp, s/o Richard Mason, labourer, AND Sarah Sherratt (X), 20, otp, d/o (-).
Wits: Sowerby Mason, William Agars
6 March,George Colley (X), 24, Bt, labourer, otp s/o Thomas Colley, labourer, AND Harriet Johnson (X), 23, Sp, otp, d/o Richard Johnson, labourer.
Wits: William Stephenson, Mary Colley
1 May,George Brambles (X), Bt, labourer, otpo Bridlngton, s/o William Brambles, labourer, AND Margaret Ireland (X), Sp, orp, d/o George Ireland, blacksmith.
Wits: William Stephenson, Jane Robinson
26 November,William Austen, 23,labourer, otpo Reighton, s/o Richard Austen, labourer, and Grace Jameson (X), 17, Sp, otp, d/o (-).
Wits: Peter Jameson (X), Ann Jameson (X)

4 February, Richard Scaife, 24, Bt, husbandman, otpo Rudston, s/o John Scaife, labourer, AND Ann Moor (X), 19, otp, d/o Thomas Moor, labourer.
Wits: Ann Dodson, Robert Moor
2 April,John Seller, 49, Wid, labourer, otp, s/o Richard Seller, labourer, AND Elizabeth Dowson (X), 47, Sp, otpo Bridlington Quay, d/o William Dowson, gamekeeper.
Wits: Edward Edmond, William Agars
5 June,James Baxter (X), 28, Bt, labourer, otpo Lowthorp, s/o Richard Baxter, labourer, AND Hannah Stephenson, 20, Sp, otp, d/o John Stephenson, labourer.
Wits; William Pool, William Agars
8 August,Richard Robson, Wid, wheelwright, otpo Grindall, s/o Tomas Robson, labourer, AND Hannah Mason, Sp, otp, d/o Robert Mason, labourer.
Wit: William Agars
11 December,Thomas Fewster, Wid, labourer, otpo Hackness, s/o Thomas Fewster, labourer, AND Ann Bowes (X), Sp, otp, d/o Thomas Bowes, farmer.
Wits: Francis Chandler, William Agars
18 December,Wesley hall, Bt, husbandman, otp, s/o John Hall, labourer, AND Ellen Berriman, Sp, otp, d/o Robert Berriman, shepherd.
Wits: William Stephenson, Margaret Elvison (?) Tennison (?)

13 November,Johnson Edmond, Wid, gentleman, otp, s/o James Edmond, blacksmith, AND Jane Harness, Wid, otp, d/o Samuel Clark, joiner.
Wits; William Wilkinson, Richard Banks

15 March,Pearson Hall, Bt, joiner, otp, s/o Anthony Hall, bricklayer, AND Jane Robinson, Sp, otp, d/o John Robinson, farmer.
Wits: William Stephenson, Margaret Savison (?), Sawson (?)
21 June,George Robinson (X), Bt, blacksmith, otp, s/o William Robinson, blacksmith, AND Ann Shaw (X). Sp, otp, d/o James Shaw, farmer.
Wits; Jane Barnett, David Young (X)
25 December,Joseph Cappleman Jennings, Bt, husbandman, otpo Reighton, s/o Isaac Jennings, labourer, AND Frances Mason, Sp, otp, d/o Robert Mason, labourer.
Wits: Robert Mason, Mary Mason

19 December,John Chapman, Bt, otp, husbandman, s/o John Chapman, labourer, AND Hannah Barnett, Sp, otp, d/o John Barnett, labourer.
Wits: Robert Chapman, Eliza Johnson

29 December,Frederick Edgcumbe, Bt, otp, Preventive service, s/o Elias Edgcumbe. Shoemaker, AND Ann Bartcliffe, 19, Sp, otp, d/o Robert Bartcliffe, Station Master.
Wits: Thomas Straker, Ellen Grange

25 December,Robert Turner, 23, Bt, wheelwright, otp, s/o Richard Turner, labourer, AND Sarah Mason, 21, Sp, otp, d/o Robert Mason, cordwainer.
Wits: Lamplugh Mason, William Agars

25 November,Henry Jessop, 23, Bt, labourer, otp, s/o Henry Jessop, labourer, AND Ann Major (X), 27, Sp, otp, d/o (-) Mothers name: Elizabeth Major otpo Flamboro.
Wits: John Pockley, William Agars

9 July,William Pinder, 28, Bt, joiner, otp, s/o William Pinder, labourer, AND Ann Dodson, 32, Sp, otp, d/o Thomas Dodson, labourer.
Wits: Watson Speck, Ann Dodson (X)
25 November,Richard Knaggs, 21, Bt, labourer, otp. s/o Richard Knaggs, fisherman, AND Ann Hardy (X), 31, Sp, otp, d/o John Hardy, labourer.
Wits: John Cooper (X), Amelia Trowhell (X)
25 November,Thomas Myers, 22, Bt, labourer, otpo Foston, s/o Francis Myers, labourer, AND Sarah Jackson, 23, otp, d/o Edward Jackson, cordwainer.
Wits: Thomas Seller, William Agars
19 December,George Perkins, 22, Bt, labourer, otp, s/o John Perkins, labourer, AND Elizabeth Seller (X), 21, Sp, otp, d/o John Seller, labourer.
Wits: John Seller, William Agars
(No marriages 1862 or 1863)
An additional entry which may be of relevance is:

16 January,Henry Creaser, Wid, agricultural labourer, otpo Speeton, s/o John Creaser, agricultural labourer, AND Rachel Honbridge (X) (?), Wid, otpo Seaton (?), d/o Simon Waines, labourer.
Wits: John Dowsland, Mary Ann Moor
(FreeBMD has Rachel Honbridge, and a Rachel Waines marrying either James Appleby or Thomas Lewis at Scarboro in the September ¼ of 1882. I can find neither a Rachel Appleby or a Rachel Lewis marrying anyone with a name like Honbridge at the relevant dates.)

Transcribed by
and presented here by permission of
Lisa Blosfelds ©2014