
Norfolk: Heydon


William White's History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk 1883

[Transcription copyright © Pat Newby]

HEYDON is a parish, 5 miles W.N.W. of Aylsham, and 14 miles N.W. by N. of Norwich, in Aylsham union and county court district, Norwich bankruptcy district, South Erpingham hundred and petty sessional division, Reepham polling district of North Norfolk, Ingworth rural deanery, and Norwich archdeaconry. It had 217 inhabitants in 1881, living on 1942 acres, and has a rateable value of £1965. The soil is chiefly a light loam, resting on strong blue clay, and there is a thick bed of valuable marl running through the parish, of which great quantities are sent to London and other parts of the kingdom.

The parish belongs to Colonel William Earle Gascoyne Lytton Bulwer, of Heydon Hall, a handsome Elizabethan mansion of brick, erected in 1584, by Henry Dynne, Esq., and since considerably improved. The park comprises 600 acres, in which is a paddock containing red and fallow deer. Colonel Bulwer is the eldest son of the late William E. Lytton Bulwer, Esq., and nephew of the late Lord Lytton, and of the late Lord Dalling and Bulwer, the distinguished diplomat, and is lord of the manors of Heydon-with-members, Stinton Hall, Sallkirk Hall, Oulton, Thurning, Guestwick, Cawston, Wood Dalling, Briston and Saxthorpe. Mr. Henry John Ireland, of Wood Dalling Hall, is agent of the estate.

Erasmus Earle, who purchased the manors of Heydon, Sall, and Cawston, and died in 1667, was one of the most able lawyers of his time, and was own serjeant-at-law to Oliver and Richard Cromwell.

Tyros, or Turold de Dalling, who was enfeoffed at the Norman Conquest in the manors of Wood-Dalling and Binham, was founder of the Bulwer family. Colonel Bulwer's grandfather was a brigadier-general, and espoused the sole heiress of of R.W. Lytton, Esq., of Knebworth Park, Hertfordshire.

The CHURCH (SS. Peter and Paul) is a handsome building, comprising nave with aisles, chancel, south porch, and lofty embattled tower containing six bells, and crowned by four crocketed pinnacles. It has a fine roof of high pitch, and contains some elegant monuments of the Earle and Bulwer families, some old brasses of the Dynnes, and a good modern brass to the memory of Mrs. Richardson, who died in 1836.

The rectory, valued in the King's Book at £9 16s. 10½d., has 24A. 3R. 20P. of glebe, and is consolidated with that of Irmingland, in the patronage of Colonel Bulwer, and incumbency of the Rev. George Shand, M.A., who has a good residence, which was restored and enlarged in 1861. The tithes of Heydon were commuted in 1841 for £307, and those of Irmingland for £170.

The SCHOOL is supported by voluntary rate and private subscriptions, and occupies a neat brick building erected about 1840 by the late W.E.L. Bulwer, Esq.

The Heydon estate is charged with the yearly payment of 20s. for the poor, and 10s. for a sermon, left by Frances Kemp in 1632.

POST OFFICE at Mr. J.J. Skelt's. Letters arrive at 7.0 a.m., and are despatched at 2.30 p.m., viâ Norwich. Reepham is the nearest Money Order Office and Railway Station.

         Bramble   John               wheelwright
         Bulwer    Mrs.               Heydon hall
         Clark     Alfred             farmer, Wood Dalling
         Daverson  -                  bootmaker
         Daverson  Mrs Sabina         schoolmistress
         Golding   William Laurence   farmer, The Ollands
         Knights   Thomas             farmer
         Leeds     Miss
         Mitchell  Hy.                gardener at The Hall
         Neale     Thomas             parish clerk
         Palmer    Thomas             farmer
         Pointen   James              blacksmith
         Shand     Rev. George, M.A.  rector
         Skelt     Jas. John          grocer & postmaster
         Warren    Daniel William
                     Cocking          farmer and limeburner
         Winter    Mrs Elizbth.       vict. Earle Arms
         Winter    Misses
         Winter    Mr William
         Wright    James              gamekeeper

See also the Heydon parish page.

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Copyright © Pat Newby.
August 2009